Semiconductors are critical in electronics, and their properties can be modified and manipulated to provide useful functionality. For example, in A MOSFET transistor, a voltage can be applied to a semiconductor material that controls whether MOSFET conducts current to provide electronic, solid-state switches. Another example is a rectifier, which uses a semiconductor structure, which means that current can flow more easily in one direction, providing directional current control.

Our wide range of semiconductor products provides a single point of power throughout the life cycle of electronics. For prototypes, we offer a variety of convenient, low-volume development boards and wafers. To meet production needs, we also offer silicon wafers in manufacturer-standard bulk, such as pallets, tubes and rolls. Combined with the wide range of semiconductor device types and technologies available, Smartec is an excellent choice for your electronic component needs.

Simply put, a semiconductor is a material that conducts electricity between an insulator and a wire. This means that semiconductors conduct current, but only a portion of the current. This main feature provides the basis for the development of modern electronic equipment.
Smartec offers a full range of semiconductor devices from leading manufacturers. We have a broad product portfolio, including products from ON Semiconductor, ST Microelectronics, Vishay, Microchip, Infineon, Analog Devices and more.
2.Integrated Circuits (ICs) - Electronic devices that integrate multiple circuit components into a single package. For example, microcontrollers, microprocessors, analog-to-digital converters, op amps, voltage regulators, and so on.
There are many semiconductor devices in the structure of electronic products. With a global market of more than $400 billion in 2019 years, it is clear how important they are to modern society.
The most commonly used semiconductor material in electronics is silicon, a term that is ubiquitous and is used to describe printed circuit board semiconductor equipment as a whole.
1.Discrete semiconductor - A simple device with only one circuit element. Common examples include transistors such as MOSFETs, diodes, TRIAC, and LEDs.
Common types of semiconductor devices
There are hundreds of semiconductor devices that can be divided into two categories.
What is a semiconductor?
Typical applications