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Smartec components is a very established provider that specialises in both the supply and management of electronic components. We understand more than anyone that when you need to source electronic components, you need to do everything you can to get the job done quickly and efficiently. You also need to make sure that you go through someone who you know you can count on to source quality and reliable parts as well, and that is where we come in.
Send us what you need and we will get the job done. Take the first step and we will finish the rest 99 steps for you.
Finding and buying electronic components should be much cheaper than ordering from DIGIKEY/MOUSER and at least keeps same convenience.
We believe that price, stock quantity, technical specifications, and reference designs should be transparent, fast to find, and easy to understand.
That’s why we are here. Our GM has 13 years working experience in foxconn components supply Chain. We are supplying 40+ customers in China, 17+ factories in Brazil and 19+ factories all over the world for components including Semiconductor — ICs/Diodes/Transistors/Isolators/Sensors ect…and Passives — Capacitors / Crystals / Inductors / Coils / Resistors ect…
Address: Room 228, Gongyi Building, Zhenhua Road, Futian District, 518031, Shenzhen, China. Skype:
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